A diagnosis of cancer evokes varied responses. Some react with disbelief, some with anger. Some blame their stars, some their genes. Most carry a heavy load of helplessness; a few cling to the hope that, with treatment, a cure may happen.
This book by a cancer surgeon portrays a first-person account of people who came to terms with their cancer. These true stories are narratives of their hopes and fears, their understanding of the disease and how it changed their lives and the lives of those around them. This book is a tribute to their fortitude and survival skills. These are stories of hope, of enduring a disease with dignity and courage. These are stories of life beyond cancer…
The book has been written in a very empathetic tone and at the same time it takes us beyond the shallow realm of lovey dovey perspective towards life that most of us are confined to. Several chapters left me teary-eyed, but that’s how lives of warriors are!”
The book is written by an Oncologist, yet manages to hold the interest of reader with no medical ground. Cancer is a disease which not only impacts the patient but visibly disturbs the family too. This books gives hope to all those who are fighting cancer and all the trauma which comes with the disease..
The stories of people like you and me fighting cancer and their coming out victorious definitely helps the family and the patient see a silver lining.Even readers who are lucky enough to be not impacted by cancer , this is a good read to understand what cancer does to people- families not only in India but around the world..
What a wonderful effort at putting our lives and the lives of those we treat in perspective. I commend you for your sensitivity, and for taking the time, initiative and perseverance in putting this together. I am confident that it will be a ‘perfect read’ for those who are involved with cancer … and those who are not.”
MD, PhD (Hon), FACS, FRCS (Hon), FRACS (Hon), FDSRCS (Hon) Professor of Surgery E.W. Strong Chair in Head and Neck Oncology Chief Head and Neck Program Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY, USA
Enduring Concer is a compelling book, a must read,
“One of the most interesting chapters in the book is the author’s personal experience of dealing with cancer .. . The experience sensitised him to the mental condition of the patients when they are told they have cancer and as a doctor he can empathise with them, rather than be totally impersonal and clinical.”
“… it also calls for raising public awareness about the disease and this is where a book like this is useful.”